Bihar: Dead body of girl student found from Pokhar, people creating ruckus; 2 bikes burnt, said- criminals abducted and killed – Bihar: Dead Body Of A Girl Child Found In Puddle In Muzaffarpur, People Creating Ruckus; Kidnapping

Bihar: Dead body of girl student found from Pokhar, people creating ruckus;  2 bikes burnt, said- criminals abducted and killed – Bihar: Dead Body Of A Girl Child Found In Puddle In Muzaffarpur, People Creating Ruckus;  Kidnapping

After the incident, people created a lot of uproar.
– Photo: Amar Ujala


Dead body of matriculation student (14) has been found in Muzaffarpur. She was missing since Monday. There was a stir in the area after his dead body was found on Tuesday morning. There was a crowd of people around. People got angry on seeing this. People say that the criminals kidnapped the girl and killed her and the police could not do anything. Angry people started accusing the police of negligence and started creating ruckus. Not only this, people also burnt two bikes.

DIU team was deputed for separate investigation

The incident is of Brahmpura area of ​​Brahmpura police station area. People who went for a walk on Tuesday morning found the girl’s body from Pokhar. As soon as the information was received, the relatives reached the spot and started creating ruckus. People blocked the road in front of Brahmpura Chowk. Tires were set on fire. There was a lot of uproar and uproar. After this, a large number of police forces including Town DSP Raghav Dayal reached the spot. Tried to convince the angry people. But no one was ready to understand. Ruckus started increasing. The angry people set two QRT bikes on fire. Seeing the situation getting out of control, the police lathi-charged the crowd and dispersed it. The dead body was taken into custody and sent for postmortem. In the case, Town DSP Raghav Dayal told that the reasons for the murder are being ascertained. Some people are being questioned. Further action is being taken in the matter. The incident is being investigated. DIU team has been deployed separately. Is being investigated.

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